Читання|Початковий Рівень|My working day|
Прочитай текст та підбери заголовки A-D до кожного абзацу з тексту. Один з поданих заголовків є зайвим. Read the text and match the headings A-D to each part of the article. There is one heading that you do not need to use.

My sister’s working day

dropdown My sister gets up at seven o’clock. She does her morning exercises, makes her bed, wash, dress and has breakfast. Then she takes her bag and goes to school. dropdown She speaks, reads and writes at school. She goes home at one o’clock. She has dinner and plays in the yard. She does her lessons at five o’clock. Then she reads books and watches TV. dropdown In the evening she helps her mother about the house. She cleans her room, waters flowers and washes up. She plays with me. Then we have supper. She goes to bed at ten o’clock.
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Скажіть погоджуєтесь ви чи ні з наступним ствердженням. Tell if you agree or disagree with this statement.

Her working day is very busy.

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