Читання|Високий рівень|Lifestyle II|
До кожного речення з пробілом підберіть підходящу фразу A-D, щоб доповнити текст. Одна з поданих фраз є зайвою. Read the text and match the headings A-D to each part of the article. There is one heading that you do not need to use.


Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria have been leaving their homes dropdown since the country’s civil. The refugees have been fleeing civil war, persecution and poverty—traveling at dropdown As of September 2015, it is estimated that over dropdown 7.6 million people have been dropdown country and dropdown across. Hundreds of thousands have also made dropdown trip on the Mediterranean from Turkey to Greece, which has dropdown Further, people fleeing other parts of the Middle East and Africa due dropdown Referred to as the “largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II”, it made international headlines recently when a photograph of a drowned three-year old Syrian boy went viral. The image of Aylan Kurdi’s dead body on the shores of Turkey dropdown This lesson provides an opportunity for dropdown through reading and viewing photographic images and exploring what nations around the world are dropdown
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Which trip resulted in thousands of deaths?

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