Читання|Високий рівень|Internet & Computers II|
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Teens and the Іnternet

dropdown Typically teens stay online for longer periods than adults, are more likely to access the Internet from different locations, participate in a wider range of online activities, and are more likely to try new technologies. Those characteristics contribute to both potential opportunities and problems so it is vital that parents monitor their teens' online activities. dropdown Some parents may have challenges keeping up with their technologically savvy teen. There is a gap between how technologically capable adults consider themselves and how children see adults’ abilities .Teens can teach their parents a great deal about use of information technologies. dropdown Parents can monitor their teens’ use of the Internet and make it safer by: Talking about Internet use no matter how it is accessed. Approach the topic in a positive way with interest in what teens are doing and respect for their knowledge of technology, as opposed to “checking up” on them. dropdown Establishing basic rules about amount of Internet use and what kinds of information should not be given out, including personal details (full name, address, phone number and information that would enable strangers to find a teen's physical location or determine their schedule); social security number; pictures that could lead to identification of self, family or friends; and financial information. dropdown Paying attention to any behavioral changes that might be related to Internet use. Signs to watch for include secretiveness, spending increasing amounts of time on the Internet, sleeping problems. dropdown If parents discover their teen has visited an unacceptable website, it is important not to overreact. A conversation about how the website was found and what kind of information was being sought will help sort out the situation. Parents can help teens find credible, helpful websites and teach them to be critical consumers of information.
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Parents can teach their kids a great deal about use of information technologies.

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